Monday, August 07, 2006

Weekends spent in sweatpants

I spent my entire weekend in 3 different pairs of sweatpants. And it was glorious.

Maybe not because of the sweatpants.

Mark's message Friday night was exactly what the doctor ordered. Anna Leisa and I have been pouring ourselves out in a sea of verbage going round and round about just what Mark shared - that what we're living for must be to please God.

After the service, we both just looked at each other, did that pursed-lip-head-tilt, and nodded our heads in agreement.

We talked about this more Saturday night during our run. How grateful we are to be in exactly the place we are in - because this is where God wants us, because it allows us to be of maximum benefit for the people God's put in our lives, because we're blessed beyond belief.

A lot of couples have been popping up recently, must be that August air... I'm happy for all the couples, but also a bit weary for my friends who have been called to be single (for their lives or for the moment - which we have no way of knowing). In today's Christian culture, a dating relationship or a marriage is lifted up as a mark of spiritual maturity - a goal that we should be pressing toward. This, I believe, is complete BS...and if I'm single my whole life just so God can prove that point, then so be it - praise God!

Having said that, on Saturday I found out that a girl from my small group is now dating a friend of mine from LT last year. Woaaaahhhhhh! Two world's collide! I'm SO excited for them!! Two people that I admire so much - when it never crossed my mind that they would even meet each other - are now joining forces.

Plus, they're just great. And now, no doubt, The Miz will be making many more trips up to Minneapolis!

Also yesterday was the most hilarious day ever. We went to Riverside Plaza area (Melanie, my sister, your old neighborhood!) to set up a free BBQ for the locals. One little boy found out we were from a church, looked at us in disgust, and dropped our rock rectangle with the most hilarious look of disdain.

Another girl (less than 10 years old) slapped me hard across the face.

Now that was a little appalling, but it was so much fun! I loved being there and just having fun with the little kids (Currie Park area holds some of the most adorable children I've ever seen).

This all went down in sweatpants, by the way.


Blogger The Miz or Hads if you prefer said...

Sweatpants are definitely amazing. And so is singleness. Which is fun to say because it's true. It may not seem like it at times because everybody is so caught up in this "gotta be in relationship" "gotta get married" frenzy. I think that mentality is why Christian divorce rates are actually a little higher than everybody else's. Most Christians are so caught up in the whole dating/marriage deal they forget to be content being single and do not want to wait to see what God might have for their lives. I could go on and on, but I won't. Just wanted you to know you are not alone in looking at the whole Christian dating/marriage scene with a little disdain. Especially in regarding marriage as the goal for all Christians...or that it is something we need.

3:25 PM  
Blogger al said...

The miz! Mizfits! and Christiney! Both of you are speaking so much wisdom. Thanks for the words, ya'll.

10:15 PM  

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