Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Two things

1) My electricity went out last night. That is a brazenfaced lie. The electricity in my microwave went out last night. I don't know how, I don't know why, but the fact remains that I had to reset the clock this morning. Muffin???

2) Ben has the best blog ever. It's official. It's better than everybody's.

If you were to read Ben's blog, you would encounter thought-provoking conversations that really happen (or don't). His friend the Toyota Yaris, for instance, has rapped with Ben several times on his blog. Here is a snippet from today's conversation between finite and infinite:

Finite: I'm not stupid, if that's what you're saying.
Infinite: That's not what I'm saying.
Finite: Why do you keep talking like that?
Infinite: I always talk like this.

Deep. Sometimes Ben is deep.

Ben likes to talk about music sometimes too:

It's a neverending cycle of depressed teenagers and money flowing into Carrabba's blood-stained fists.

Of course, then CC got stupid and decided to make a happy song ("Hands Down"). All the kids woke from their hypnotic stupor, and you haven't heard from Dashboard since.

And that's how emo nearly destroyed America.

Occasionally Ben broaches the subject of politics, like last Friday's entry:

God gave us the monarchy for a reason and that reason is so we didn't have to vote. He saw the ignorance of the masses and decided something to the effect of, "These people have no idea what's going on, so I'm going to give them a king to smack them in the jaw so they stop yammering like idiots." The monarchy gave us several centuries of peace and good will, completely without the thoughtless mouth-wagging of the mud-besmirched peasants.

Ben recently decided to not blog any longer about his workplace (which is Cigna):

Anyway, I decided that it might be prudent of me to no longer say that I work at Cigna. I mean, you guys all know that I work at Cigna. You've heard me complain about it. That's old news. New news will no longer include the name of my company.

The first sentence of his next entry was thus:

Here at Cigna, we've had a penny in one of our urinals for the last month or so.

It's worth a look folks, it's even worth a link. Long live Ben's blog!


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