Where's my Mean Girls?
Okay - I lent Mean Girls to somebody. I don't know when, and I don't know to who. I only know that I had it, and now I don't. It's in my nature to liberally lend out my dvds - so I am not angry at whoever has it, nor am I implying that someone has stolen it. I am merely confused that it is not in my movie shelf.
Peter, is it you? I know you don't read my blog, Peter, nor check email, nor spend any time on the internet, but is it you? Just tell me if it's you, I won't be mad.
Is it Beth? Beth, it's not you, is it?
Just tell me if it's you.
I confess: I have it. I just cannot get enough of Lindsay Lohan, but am too embarrassed to buy her movies myself, so I have Lee steal them for me. He's good at stealing; you should see my collection.
Kindly return it please.
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