Friday, July 28, 2006


As I'm sure many of you would expect, I've been thinking a lot about Tyler this week. I could never begin to claim that this is impacting me like it is impacting the people who were a part of Tyler's everyday life...his family, his church family, his close friends. Christine and I knew him about on the same level, so it's been refreshing to email her back and forth a little about it. We've been exchanging and trading memories with each other.

One good one was at the end of the summer in the laundry while we were folding towels. Tyler invited Christine and I to come along with him and some of his friends to climb Longs Peak on August 10th/11th (day or two before going home). Longs is one of the tallest peaks there is!

Christine and I never hiked!

We kind of laughed and were like "ummm...I don't think we would be able to."

Tyler didn't blink an eye, just said "you guys run in the mountains, you're acclimated. You'd be fine."

Such confidence in the Christines. Although we really had no desire to climb Longs, we both seriously thought about it for a day or so - I think probably because we hadn't even considered it a possibility that we could do something crazy like climb Longs.

Until 15 months ago, I couldn't run for more than 3 minutes straight. It was the worst hell of my life! Last summer I started running in Colorado and now as many of you know, I'm training with Sarah and Ann for the 10-mile!

Point of the story????

When Christine was here we were talking about the Chicago Marathon, and she asked if I'd like to run it with her, Amber, and Ally next year. I said "ummm....I don't think I'd be able to." She assured me I could.

So I'm going to run a marathon.

(I have until december to decide, so this is far from official, I just feel like doing something drastic)


Blogger Unspar! said...

Chicago is awesome, a marathon is somewhere in the neighborhood of awesome, and the Chicago marathon seems to be awesome from all the people I've seen run it, so I say do it. Votes of confidence: 2 (at least).

12:39 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Thanks Ben!!

But I thoroughly enjoy my 12 minute or slower distance-pace. The question is: "Will C, A, and A, enjoy it too?"

Because I don't want to run for 26 miles alone. Boooooring.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


please run with me, i'd love to run 12 minutes or slower with you!

c-flow 2

tyler also mocked us for running around the mountains but not up them :) i was thinking today how neat it was that he did that climb he tried to convince us to do. from what i've read on his facebook from people who knew him well it seems that he did many, many neat things in his life. i'm so glad of that.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christine, I totally think you can do it-physically, emotionally, heck, even spiritually. I think you would also be this great source of fun for the other girls you'd be running with. I can totally see you joking around and somehow using humor to focus your guys' running energies (like running with an unlit cigarette in your mouth-or lit...). So whether or not you do in fact run the Chi-town marathon, know that you can do it...

1:45 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Woo! Thanks for the votes of confidence!!

I think I really want to do it! Now all I need is a pack of cigarettes!!


4:59 PM  

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