Sunday, July 02, 2006

Days Four and Five (Long)

Day Four

Minutes after I wrote my last entry, Christine and I seriously considered leaving for Colorado right then and there, that night, knowing we would be kept up by the block party. After 20 minutes of preparation, however, we decided a few hours of sleep would still be better than none. So we got about 3 hours of sleep and then hit the road the next morning!

We started our trip at 4:13, CST, Caedmon’s Call was the soundtrack to our departure from Minneapolis. The rest of the trip was mostly spent listening to as much country music as we could get our hands on.

At about 8 we stopped at a Cracker Barrel outside of Des Moines. It had only been a few hours, but already we both weren’t quite sure if we’d make it. We could barely keep our eyes open (especially me) and we were laughing heartily at nearly every thing.

An hour at Cracker Barrel did the trick though, at 9 we were more alert and back on the road.

At first I was really excited to get in Nebraska. I kept repeating “I love Nebraska” and exclaiming about all the pretty bluffs outside Omaha. I also really enjoyed the 75mph speed limit. At some point though, Nebraska lost its charm, I think it was about 10 miles after Omaha. It was then when we realized that all we had ahead of us was 400 miles of dead grass.

No one goes over the speed limit in Nebraska also. I felt like some crazed maniac going 80. For the 30 hours that we were in Nebraska, I think only one or two people were going faster than me.

Also, I thought NE meant Northeast. Christine politely corrected me, and then we laughed for a while. We called Rachel to check to see if there were any Chick-Fil-A’s in rural Nebraska. No luck, but thanks for checking, Rachel! We stopped at Lasso Espresso for more coffee (excellent).

Arriving in Colorado was nice. People drive faster here and I got passed sometimes which was nice. It was pretty flat though. I think I had assumed that upon entering Colorado I would immediately be confronted with an overwhelming mountainous landscape. This was not the case, we must’ve been slowly gaining elevation because we got up there somehow, but it felt pretty flat to us. I’m still not quite sure how we got so high up.

We drove through a HORRIBLE thunderstorm that lasted for only 5 or so minutes (if that) and then we slowly made it to Loveland. Christine and I pointed at every familiar site – statues friends had climbed, the waffle house, the cracker barrel, the teepee that smelled like urine, Wal-mart, the lake, the Dam Store (best store by a dam site!)

I nearly began crying as we drove through the canyon, I’d forgotten how breathtaking it all was.

Eventually we arrived in Estes, we silently pointed at things again – lake estes, the Mountain Shop, Safeway, Kind Coffee, Starbucks, The Rocky Mountain Connection (where Hoops worked last summer, and now where the Miz works), and of course the Rock Shop.

I looked up at FHOT (the peaks, it’s like something that starts with F, Hallets, something that starts with O, and then something that starts with T). I said “hey look, it’s F-hop….or whatever.” Christine and I laughed tiredly.

We pulled into the Y grounds at 6:45 Colorado time, got our room keys, and on our way to the bathroom we ran into Andy from Bowling Green. He looked at us and said in sort of a frightened tone of voice “Oh…my….gosh” (best reaction so far).

The Rock service was about to start so we walked towards the chapel, and Ally and Allysa saw us from far away. They began running towards us and we HUGGED the daylights out of each other. What a site for sore eyes they were!!!!! It was so good to see them! It was so nice to hug them both!!!

Then we heard Mazvita’s voice say “Christines!” and more hugging! Then Danielle. Then NICOLE!!! Then after the service, the Miz!

Allysa and Nicole are doing so well out here, we miss them back home of course, but I was so glad to hear how well there summer’s have been going.

Last night was kind of a blur because we were so tired, but after the service Ally, Allysa, Nicole, and the Christines hung out for a little bit before we crashed.

So far it’s been interesting being here. Christine and I both agree that we are glad to not be doing LT this summer. We talked a little bit about how glad we are that we did it last year, but that this summer is just not our summer. God had His purpose for us to be here last summer, and now He just has different things for us. It’s been such a treat to see Allysa and Nicole here, knowing that this is their summer. I can’t wait to hear how God uses this summer in their lives.

They’re so cute, those girls. So cute. They represent Minnesota well, those girls.

Christine took note of all the different stated license plates we saw on the road. Right now we're at 40 or 41 of 50 states and as a bonus 4 of 10 Canadian Provinces

Day Five

Christine and I are in downtown Estes right now. We went to the Papetierie, or whatever it was called, (last summer LTers, it’s now called “Long’s Peak coffee and paper” which is lame in my humble opine) and I stocked up on those journals that I LOVE. Right now Christine is buying some stuff for her family and I’m sitting at Starbucks.

We may not have remembered the names of the mountain peaks, but we certainly noticed that Starbucks moved its condiments bar (from the window to behind the right booth), the trashcan (from the back door to behind the left booth), both the bathrooms are now unisex, and they added a new wall decoration. We just know what we care about, you know?

Earlier today we ran into Abby (who is also visiting Estes this weekend, this is the Abby who was on the Price is Right) at the Admin. Building. Later today we plan on hanging out there, play cards, or just enjoy a good sit.

Tomorrow we’ll probably dip out of Colorado at around 6pm. Our favorite coffee shack (The Black Cup) outside of Loveland closes at 7, so we figured we should get there before it closes. I should be making it back to Minnesota before noon on the 4th. Just in time for a nap before Jodi’s party.

What a long entry. I’ll post pictures later. Hopefully I’ll get some good ones of the girls, and the mountains later today.

Important note: At last night’s Rock service, Christine and I noticed a banner with an American flag that said “God Bless America” with an eagle. I immediately thought of the eagle from the Stephen Cobert report and burst into laughter, Christine noticed it as well, thought the same thing and had a similar response.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your posts. Give a shout out to MY Kind Coffee... :)Man, I miss that place. In reference to your comment about this not being your summer for LT, I agree with you. I've felt very much the same way as you, and it's cool how God is showing you this while you're out there-He's doing a lot in your life this summer. Go, Minne-soooooahta.

7:22 AM  
Blogger Maren said...

Hey! I've been to the Dam Store!!! I drove out to CO a couple times for a winter conference in Winter Park and we totally went into the Dam store!

It sounds like you're having a great time! I hope your drive home goes well! I'm excited to see you both on the 4th!!

8:45 AM  
Blogger Jonathan King said...

didn't even know you two were going out there! thanks for all the details that conjure up fond memories...probably boring details if you've never been to estes though :) i wish i coulda seen this eagle/flag deal...

10:03 PM  

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