Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why not just plunge?

Last night Anna Leisa and I met up for coffee and conversation. We ran the gammit, talked about it all, but by the end of the night we were just exchanging encouraging quotes and truths - about unsettledness, about not mistaking relativism for absolutes (and vice versa), about simplicity, about putting to silence all the noise, about not having any idea where God is leading us (and being okay with that).

I went home, and checked my email to see an email from Emily responding to my last post, and straight from God's Mind to Emily's fingers to my heart, it said:

I remember [Oswald] Chambers once even saying, "Take an absolute plunge into the love of God." I love the picture his urging creates in my mind: that delicious moment of diving into a pool and going under the water, completely separate from the noise that is waiting for you when you eventually resurface. Beautiful and wonderful abandonment into His love...

And that's what it's about ladies and gentleman. Why even talk about it? Why not just plunge?


Blogger al said...

I dig. Just plunge! Seriously great advice, Chrissy.

8:01 PM  

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