Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Thoughts on incoherent thoughts

I apologize for my last post. It was a truly desperate attempt at blog draw attention away from it (although, 9 to 5 really is incredible), I'm going to post about some stuff that's been on my mind.

The student small group that I've been leading with Lee is coming to a close. This sunday is our last group, and this morning the leaders/apprentices met for the last time at Keys (the original!!). I've been feeling a little without soul lately because everyone has been really sentimental about the year ending and I've just been like "eh." Lee told me it would hit me later, but I haven't yet been able to shake that "I don't really care" feeling away. Normally I'm so emotional, for instance I cry everytime I see Father of the Bride, so I just don't get this indifference.

I think Lee's right. It'll hit me later, but I have managed to muster up some sentimentality. It's been a great year, wrought with much growth and many challenges - God's worked through my personal times with Him and He's also done it through the people that He's put me in fellowship with. (Proverbs 27:17 - "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens another friend.") So I want to thank Rachel, Sarah, Will, and Lee for all you shared this morning, and the FTAers that have taught me so much about how God works and moves in people's lives (the whole lot of you!). You've all helped me to better see from God's vantage point (as opposed to mine), and I'm really grateful for your presences (word?) in my life.

I tried for nearly an hour to get out in more words what this year has been like, what God's done, how I've changed, etc. There's a lot to say, but it's all one massive jumble of thoughts right now, and I refuse to post it until it is coherent (which might be never).

Know this - I cried a little bit trying...


PS - Bobbi, I need your blog address.

PS dos - The infamous other Christine is coming to Minneapolis this summer! We're going to hit up the sights: the lakes, the spoon, Sebastian Joe's, etc. If all goes according to plan we'll be at the Rock some Friday in June or July. Make a beeline for her - she'll be the one with the red hair! After she's here for a few days we're going to roadtrip to Colorado to visit the Estes Park Starbucks (as well as Ally, Nicole, and Allysa...) for a few days. I can't wait!

PS tres - My back and neck are sore from yesterday's run. If I was married I would be requiring three days straight of massages from Mr. Grue. That's 72 HOURS STRAIGHT of me getting a beck (back/neck) massage. Man, that'd be sweet. But such is life, and I will just have to be sore until I can convince my roommate (almost professional masseuse) to schedule me in.

Hey everybody, peace out!


Blogger Adam Omelianchuk said...

It is good to see that your husband will be taking your last name ("Mr. Grue"). Good position of gender, Christine. Keep it up! ;-)

1:59 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

haha, I'm glad you noticed that. It was partly a response to all the madness on your blog yesterday.

And a lie.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Unspar! said...

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to feel anything after hour 15.

1:03 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Yes, exactly. Sweet relief all thanks to Mr. Gah-rue.

1:08 PM  

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