Sunday, May 21, 2006

So fried

Who knew packing was so strenuous? Yesterday, I packed. Yesterday, I sweated. But it's done (except the kitchen)!

At 9:00 I was supposed to meet Beth, Anna Leisa, and Emily at Perkins. I stopped at Target first, got some toilet paper and trash bags (things I'll want immediately at my new apartment), kitty litter for all the Muffin transitions, and rice. I walked into Perkins, my eyes bugging out of my head...I was fried.

I was so fried.

I had a diet coke...and proceeded to think everything was funny.

Except that those ladies are HILARIOUS, so I was pretty much laugh-crying all night.

My favorite part of the night was when Anna Leisa was telling a story about these twin dolls she had as a little girl.

"I must have had weight issues even then because I named them skinny and fatty. I really loved skinny, but I hated fatty."

Oh man....this story went on to a practically deformed skinny, and a missing fatty. "Skinny ate fatty." Words cannot describe how hilarious Anna Leisa was telling this story.

Later we were talking about seeing celebrities. I said "the closest I ever came was when I saw Dick Enrico at Lake Calhoun." Beth said, with complete sincerity, "yeah, the closest I ever came was when I shared a first class cabin with the cast of The Fantastic Four on [an 18 hour] flight from Australia."

"...Jessica Alba walked by to go to the bathroom...I was sitting next to The Flame and we were talking about our favorite Melbourne restaurants..." - Beth

What, Beth??

So anyway, just now I went into my room to take my mirror off of my wall...I managed to pull off an obscene amount of plaster.

I just walked out of the room, not even wanting to think about it. I googled "repairing plaster" and was once again pointed in the direction of the greatest invention known to man...

Some people say penicillin is the greatest invention ever...I say it's definitely, without a doubt, spackle.

I love spackle.


Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Nevermind, there is no hope for my wall. The best thing to do is to just get the heck out of here and learn a valuable lesson:

Never adhere a mirror to a wall.

9:34 PM  
Blogger j said...

Duct tape, WD40, caulk and spackle can solve anything with a home.

How big are the holes? What did you adhere it with???

8:46 AM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

I'm still a BIG fan of spackle...

The holes are about the size of soda can bottoms. There are four holes. They're pretty shallow, but definite holes. I filled them with spackle, and it worked, but you can just definitely tell. The walls are beige, the spackle is white, the walls are textured, the spackle is textured (in its own sloppily slapped on way). Also I've been fervently applying goo gone to the wall because of all the sticky stuff from what I adhered the mirror to it with.

Which brings me to your second question. I got a bunch of those sticky squares, and put em all over the back of my mirror and placed it on the wall.

I am seriously the most unwise person that ever existed.

9:08 AM  
Blogger j said...

I'd like to recommend nails next time. Far less destructive.

11:12 AM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

I will take your advice

12:44 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

I used to be afraid of nails because I was also afraid of spackle.

Now I am definitely afraid of neither.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

christine, that's just how i live my life now. you and EPRC mug. i love it!!!...

did abby win on the Price is Right?! keep me up to date girl!!! :)

5:31 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Jenna, she didn't win, but she was SO gracious and excited for the other person! I took 51 pictures of her on my television. I will post them at some point.

6:09 PM  

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