Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The most awkward love story of all time

So a few weeks ago, Jess told me a story. A story I could not believe.

It started one afternoon, when Jess comes home from work and finds a note for "302 girl" that had been slid under her door.

It reads:

So while secretly walking faster to catch up to you again I figured I had to do something besides say hi. Since I'm incapable of approaching girls I figured I had to resort to other measures...remember in middle school when you would give the note to your friend to give to the person you liked and it said something to the ffect about them being cute and asking if they will go out with you and it had a box for yes or I figured I should totally bring this back...cause I'm just as retarded when it comes to girls as I was here it goes...

I think you're cute...wanna go out sometime

[] yes :)
[] no :(

So you can either a) return this with appropriate box checked or b) tear it up and assume I'm you're creepy neighbor.

Joshua (tall guy from 304)

She waited a day to reply to this note, and she wrote something to the effect of "thanks for the note, I had myself a chuckle, and no I don't think you're creepy I have a boyfriend, but we could hang out sometime [as friends] just knock on my door, write another note, or give me a call [insert Jess' phone number]. Jess (302 girl)

At this point in the story, I'm already flabbergasted, but it goes on. He replies:

So I was thinking and it would be sweet to have a neighbor similar to that of Jerry Seinfeld. I could be Kramer and just pop in and see what's going on...or maybe I could knock instead, but anyway I think it could be sweet. Maybe we could hang out sometime. Not that notes are bad though...okay I'm just rambling now. Since I now have your number it's only fair to give you mine [insert his phone number], feel free to stop by to borrow milk or something, but I don't like milk so you're better off borrowing some cheezit's...Joshua

This note was inclosed in a mix cd he had made with a custom designed insert.

"What Jess?!" - me
"hahahaha" - Jess

And then she tried going by and knocking on his door, but he did not answer. So she went back to her apartment and wrote: "thanks for the cd, quite a few good selections there, I would make you one back but I don't have a cd burner. I just tried knocking on your door, but you weren't there. Feel free to stop by sometime. Just to clarify things, I have a roommate who is also named Jess. I have the dark hair, and she has long blonde hair. So...I may not even be the proper recipient of these notes."

At this point in the story I was in tear-filled stitches. This does not happen in real life!

He writes back to "Jess (dark hair):"

I just knocked on your door with sadly no reply...we must have totally opposite schedules, but if you want to hang out later tonight, I should be around. Oh yeah, one last thing...this is totally lame, but if you have myspace you should add no I have never had hepititus, but I thought I had lukemia once, but that's a different story...anyways see ya laters.

I should note that around this time Jess' boyfriend and her were on a break (which one day later led to a breakup). So that night she tried knocking on his door again, and he answered.

Upon seeing each other, they proceeded to laugh for 5 full minutes.

And the rest, is as they say, history.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent story C2, as always. it gave me a chuckle! :)

i thought about you today. i was at my first office meeting. it was in the morning so they had donuts...they had big donuts and donut holes. i went for the donut holes since i read your previous entry. all thought process of me not liking any type of donuts was irrelevant at the time. anyway, you make me smile! :)

don't you love the scissors?! they are not like big, grown up scissors. they are the little kids scissors that you get when you're in third grade. so much for being grown up! much love!

8:36 PM  
Blogger Maren said...

so weird. I didn't know things like that happen between adults.

so are they dating now or just friends still?


8:34 AM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Joe, yes that man (what was his name again?) just kept saying that over and over! Just about to punch out my lights and then states "tengo que ir!"

Maren, I asked Jess this. She says one thing, but I'm pretty sure the answer is another thing. Is this vague?

9:20 AM  
Blogger Dreamer said...

That's so awesome! :)

11:18 AM  
Blogger Maren said...

I wouldn't say it's vaugue, but I wouldn't say it's not vague, either. Does that make sense?


11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I will give him this: the guy has guts. And yet, it's all a bit weird. Funny, weird and endearing. If you were to give this dude a nickname, what would it be? In college we would name people: "oh that's Elevator boy."-(the guy who would look into our college dorm room every time he walked by to get to the nearby elevator. Stuff like that).

3:34 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Does "neighbs" count??

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's okay. :)

12:30 PM  

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