Tuesday, May 02, 2006

it's all really happening

So I've been "training" for the Twin Cities 10 mile coming this october...but I think I decided I'm just going to run 10 miles today. What the heck, right? I have a free night, might as well spend it running 10 miles!!

We'll see.


Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Awesome! You're too fast to run with me for that long, but maybe you could come to the lakes and we could cheer each other on as we pass each other! I would love that!

9:59 AM  
Blogger Adam Omelianchuk said...

If you do a ten mile run, I will do a ten mile unicycle ride. What do you say?

10:34 AM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

I say: "yes!"

Are you really able to do that already?

10:36 AM  
Blogger j said...

Would this be like a date?

12:23 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Of the internet variety I guess. It means he'll be at some park somewhere else riding his unicycle, and I'll be at some other park running.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do it. If you were able to run at 8,000 ft. elevation, you can run 10 miles in Minn-eh-Soa-tah. Just think, "Eye of the Tiger, Christine. Eye of the Tiger." Works every time. :)

12:52 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Thanks Emily! In preparation I've had a cup of coffee and Chipotle for lunch. These are things you're supposed to do before a run, right?

I'm so unwise.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Adam Omelianchuk said...

"he'll be at some park somewhere else riding his unicycle, and I'll be at some other park running."

Exactly. This how relationships ought to be.

1:36 PM  
Blogger Unspar! said...


4:07 PM  
Blogger Tian said...

A math question for all you geeks:

Christine runs at 5 mile/hour, and Mark at 10 mile/hour. One day they go to run 10 miles around a 3 mile/circle lake. They run in the same direction. Ask how many times they can pass each other during the running?

4:14 PM  
Blogger Tian said...

wow, Joe, eh, that's good. Since you are learning Chinese, I have a Chinese question for you:

Confucius said: "there is at least one teacher among every three people." Then how many teachers are there, at least, among 100 people?

4:54 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

I did it! I was like the little engine that could. Now my tummy hurts...Chipotle and coffee was a baad idea.

8:41 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Why waste time?? Someone should just give me a medal right now!

8:39 AM  
Blogger Bobbi Lee said...

Woot! Good job on the run!

11:35 AM  
Blogger Tian said...

pew pew pew pew pew~~~~~

3:45 PM  

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