Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Just a few things

I had a fantastic weekend.

Friday we ate at Applebees. Most memorable moment: Will drinking mountain dew from a four foot straw.

Saturday Sarah and I went on a very enjoyable jaunt around calhoun and talked about goood things.

After sitting and reading for awhile, I met Sara D for coffee!! I love Sara, it was very good to see her and talk to her for a long time. I hope to do so often from now on! Then I talked to my mom and dad on the phone for a bit, and then I found a message from Jessie L. who I hope to get together with soon!! I can't even remember the last time I saw her!

Then I went out for chinese food with Emily, Anna Leisa, and Sarah. It was good to just sit back and laugh with each other. The four of us went from there to Starbucks (my third coffee shop of the day!) and we sat around a table and read a bit from Colossians. I really love the passion these women have for the word. They just willfully chose to spend their Saturday evening pouring into the bible. Awesome!!

The next day we had small group which was good - we listened to a seminar from Faithwalkers, and ate chicken.

Then I went home and watched The Firm. Three times in the last month I've seen two thirds of it...Sunday I finally watched the whole thing.

Yesterday, Adam's New Orleans blog was posted! Check it out here to get his day by day synopsis of the trip.

Last night I went to Caffe Latte with the Monday night women. We met and ate food and talked. Jodi and Maren posted pictures from last night. Please click those links!

My dear friend from Ohio, Emily, whom I met at LT this summer has finally started a blog!

That's all I got!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christine!!! We now co-exist in the blogging world! Booyah, Grandma! All the more reason for me to stalk you.

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christine, I'm concerned about your water consumption. I found something you should read:
The fact that water can cause fatal overdoses is not well known.
Water poisoning results when too much water is ingested in too short a time without replenishing electrolytes, particularly sodium and potassium.
The human body (as with other animals) maintains an equilibrium of electrolytes in the bloodstream as part of its normal operation. Sweating causes the body to lose salt, but the primary cause of hyponatremia is drinking enormous amounts of water, which dilutes the salt in the body to a dangerous level. As the electrolyte levels get dangerously out of balance, body systems begin to fail and the sufferer exhibits signs of crisis such as diarrhea, over-salivation, stupor, vomiting, muscle tremors, confusion, frequent urination and other general symptoms of illness, and their brain begins to swell. This swelling is called a 'brain edema' or 'cerebral edema' and can lead to brain damage, paralysis, and sometimes death.

From Erowid.org

3:20 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Wow, thanks Jon Dordal! I've officially switched to Tang!

3:23 PM  
Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Emily, I think I have this picture of you!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Maren said...

That's so AWESOME! Cool stuff!

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so beautiful. you are seriously gorgeous Christine! i just wanted to let you know that and that i miss you.
life = busy, but going ok/good. hehe.
i'm always thinking of you girl!!!
miss you and love you,

11:53 PM  

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