Jodi wants to see more updates?? How's this one for you! After racking my brain for nearly a full minute, I came up with a childhood memory that you might mildly enjoy:
In first grade I was given the task of "wastebasket carrier" during someone's birthday celebration. I carried the wastebasket around so that the people in the classroom could throw their candy wrappers and paper plates into it.
I was holding the wastebasket in front of me, probably not paying any attention to where I was going and walked right into Ms. Hall's behind. She fell, butt-first, into the wastebasket. I have a tendency of blocking out memories such as these, but Ms. Hall reminded my parents and I of this at a barbecue years later.
I'm sorry...I guess my life just got way too boring for the blogosphere.
That's not boring. You got a 'chuckle' out of me. Do you have any memories of pooping your pants? That's always good for a laugh. :)
oh, no
pants pooping stories?? I've got none...but I know a handful of hilarious secondhand stories on the subject...
I've been wondering something, Christine. Who calls you Maurice?
Christine will you be my girlfriend?
I have never felt more awkward reading a blog comment...
I don't think boring is ever a word I use to describe you!
Oh, stop
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