Monday, December 26, 2005

Two days of doing nothing and I still didn't update this thing!


In approximately 7 hours me and three other women are heading to Missouri. Missouri! I'm so excited. And so tired.

This morning I set my alarm for 6:30 - not because I had anything to just seemed like 6:30 would be a good time to make myself get up. So now it's 10 and it feels like I have bricks attached to my eyelids.

I got an ELO cd tonight with a gift card...I didn't know what to get, but when I saw a 20 track ELO greatest hits album for 9.99 I knew that it would be the best decision to make.

While I was in the itunes music store, I saw something in my recommendations area that struck me as odd. It said:

"You bought Abba. We recommend: Jennifer Love Hewitt"


The other week I was at Target and I walked by this mom pushing her cart with son. Her son said to her "Mom, are you a woman?" She seemed unphased, but a little annoyed. She replied: "you just asked me that, what did I say?" He replied "no?"

A few minutes later I saw this man pushing a cart and toddler son. The toddler was making grabby noises at something within his reach. The man bent down and said informatively to his son: "that's a millenium falcon"

I laughed out loud after both instances. Especially the latter.

Going to bed.

Merry Christmas! Holly Jolly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ELO, I have all your records! Yes!

10:14 AM  

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