Sunday, October 02, 2005


So today was absolutely fantastic.

Woke up real early to go check out Lee and Kremer running in the 10 mile! Yay! And we met Lee's parents which was awesome because they're real sweet, and Lee is the spitting image of both his mom and his dad. It's kind of mesmerizing.

Anyway, so that was fun, and then by the time we got home (which was much later because it was quite a little obstacle course getting home with Summit closed for the marathon). Then I called people, watched Celeb. Pok. Show., took a short nap, got the food together and headed over to Sarah's house. We cooked and stuff, and then people came over...and it was AWESOME!

There were only seven people there...which was sort of a blessing (besides the fact that we had way too much food since we were expecting 20). The conversation got pretty deep, and it felt like everyone was really comfortable being open with each other. One of the girls just moved from another state, and she told us how at home she felt with us and The Rock already, that it was a refuge for her encouraging is that? To know that the group already has formed that environment, and it's only the first, pretty much, the best FTA ever. I'm just using her as an example though, I think overall it was a really uplifting and refreshing evening for everybody.

And what does FTA mean to us next week? Well friends, next week it means Freeing Tom Arnold.

Free Tom Arnold!


Blogger christinesfakeblog said...

Well, if you moved here you'd have a small group that would be pretty excited to have you...

11:12 PM  

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