Friday, September 16, 2005

Paint the Bridge!

Last night Lee and I met and after awhile I managed to form my straw into what I thought was a pretty darn good mushroom.

Which led to the quote of the night:
"That's not a mushroom, that's Texas!" - Lee

hahahaha, okay, so yesterday Rachel and I painted the bridge! I helped paint the orange background, but after that we split up the responsibility. Rachel painted while I took pictures of Rachel painting. She did such a great job!! Yeah Rachel!!

Here's a compilation of pictures showing the progression of the project:

Can I get a what what?


Blogger Maren said...


4:12 PM  
Blogger Adam Omelianchuk said...

I especially like how you two lovely ladies are displaying the sign and the guy with the headphones stuck in his ears behind the glass looks braindead.

8:48 AM  

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