Monday, September 19, 2005

My life being a sitcom, we all knew it was inevitable that my ipod would at some point die in a humorous way. The question was always: "how?!"

Well today, my friends, that question has been answered.

See I was having a pretty typical morning, intending on writing a blog entry about how when I'm sitting on the back seat of the bus my feet can't quite reach the ground (there's humor in how short I am, you know?). I then arrived at school, grabbed a newspaper, opened it to the crossword and took my normal trip to the bathroom.

Okay, I'm just going to be blunt. I flushed my ipod down the toilet.

I'll never forget that blue glow coming from the bottom of that white bowl.

Throughout class I burst out into tearful laughter at least four times, you see, God's been wanting me to take those headphones out of my ears for weeks now, and He managed to find the most hilarious way possible for me to obey Him.


Blogger Adam Omelianchuk said...

This actually made me laugh out loud.

Very nice.

9:23 AM  

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