Thursday, September 22, 2005

Country Music, HM, squishy nose, elusiveness and country music

I went down yonder on the Chatahootchee
Never knew how much that muddy water meant to me
but I learned how to swim
and I learned who I was
a lot about living, and a little 'bout love

Before the Leaders Meeting I had dinner with Jodi and the Quickerts. Maren and Karl told us a story about this lady that they helped out on the freeway and it was a really amazing story! Hopefully Maren or Karl will write about it on one of their blogs (linked on the left). Then at the leader's meeting we had the pleasure of Herschel Martindale coming and speaking to us tonight, he was the kind of man that I could just sit at the feet of and listen to for hours, just really truthful and refreshing (yet still convicting). He also introduced us to a brand new staff member from Columbia, Missouri, so after the service Lee and I talked to him for a little bit about Missouri and how he decided to go on staff and stuff like that, and then Karl and I talked for a long time about sort of the same thing. I was feeling really out of control when I got to the meeting for a few reasons and what he talked about tonight just really put my heart at peace...

And also Maren squeezed my nose, but I'm sick so it sounded...squishy.

And now I'm trying to go to sleep because I have something to do early tomorrow...

I'm going to burst open! I have to go to sleep asap before I spill my guts all over this blog.

You get a line, I get a pole
We'll go fishing in the crawfish hole


Blogger j said...

Hee hee hee. . . .I know your secret.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Maren said...

I know your seekie too! Hahee!

9:54 AM  

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